Foundation motrix virginia
Foundation motrix virginia

One key area where Science of Learning can bring huge improvements is assessment, especially continuous/formative assessment. But that's just one small example of what is possible in embracing the Science of Learning. For example, it is currently possible to study how the student's brain reacts to different digital learning contents in terms of motivation, attention, probability of memorization, and cognitive effort, and to use this information to fine-tune the content to be way more effective. There is a huge amount of established science, especially neuroscience, that can and should be applied to develop these new evidence-based approaches to learning with the potential for dramatic improvements.Īreas such as psychophysiology of learning are already mature enough to be more frequently applied to K-12 education.

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It is now time to embrace the lessons learned as part of a larger plan, to establish a new ecosystem of digital learning solutions that effectively elevate the work of teachers within the new hybrid reality of K-12 Schools, moving towards data-driven learning processes that digital platforms allow.Ī key aspect of this plan is to embrace an evidence-based approach to learning. However, moving forward this opportunity should not be explored in the same reactive way the emergence of the pandemic demanded. Nevertheless, we are now in a situation where the K-12 schools and teachers are much more willing to embrace digital learning solutions and other innovations in learning than ever before. But a lot of what was done in this direction was reactive and with little space for any careful planning. Once it became clear that the only option was moving towards hybrid education, schools embraced technology as a fundamental part of their ecosystem and started experimenting with the tools available, forcing, for better or worse, a fast-paced increase in technology applied to education. Around the globe, schools were forced to close their doors in a coordinated effort to protect the lives of students and school staff and cooperate with the overall effort to stop the spread of the virus.

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Its impact on the economy and the social dynamics will become a relevant study subject for years to come.Įducation is certainly one of the most affected areas. The COVID-19 pandemic transformed several aspects of how society functions. Natália Mota – Lead Scientist at Motrix - The Learning Engine Company Ricardo Schneider – Chief Scientific Officer at Square Knowledge Ventures 1.

Foundation motrix virginia